After reviewing your lists of preferred topics and trying to balance everyone’s wishes, I have made the following assignments for Unit #3:
- Alex: Folksonomy
- Ashley: Echo chamber effect
- Astleigh: Attentional blink
- Augusta: Tragedy of the commons
- Brooks: Six degrees of separation
- Chelsea: Flash mobs
- Dylan: Metacognition
- Eli: Magical number seven
- Eric: Collective intelligence
- Erin: Dataveillance
- Ethan: Pomodoro technique
- George: Impression management
- Jonathan: Reciprocity
- Joshua: Social capital
- Katie: Playbor
- Kyle: Selective inattention
- Liana: Crowdsourcing
- Marcus: Curation
- Molly: Google juice
- Sarah: Crap detection
- Victoria: Meme
If you are unhappy with your assigned topic, please email me as soon as possible. I am happy to negotiate topics for this project, but these assignments need to be finalized by this weekend.